Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tis The Season To Be Broke! Part One

Well Hello There!

I haven't seen you in a while and due to good reason. I am now a Working Mama instead of a Stay At Home Mama. Oh the tears of joy I get to interact with Adults now instead of Toddlers. How quickly that dream crumbled when I learned that a lot of Adults still act like Toddlers! However, what's important is that I love my job and I am still struggling to learn to save money.
So what I bring today is this thought. Tis' The Season To Be Broke! For the first time in 11 years I did not go out shopping on Black Friday. At first I laid in bed and I wept it was as though I had lost a loved one you see. Most people would ask me "Hey Maria, What you doing for Black Friday?" and I would happily say, "Well I'm Black and it's Friday so I'm shopping!" hehehe.... Black Friday it's like a "Bad Romance" as Lady Gaga once said. Now, once I was done mourning my loss of all the wonderful deals I could have got. I quickly started thinking about all the crap that we really have and how much crap we need to get rid of so I can actually determine what is really needed on this years Wish List.
My suggestion to you all is to sit down go through all of your kids stuff including your own...just saying. Make a pile to donate, throw away, and keep. Then bag up the Throw aways and Donation pile immediately. Now you're going to go through the keep pile again and act like you never saw it and really ask your self, "Self do I really need this crap" and your inner self and is going to say something like "Hell Yea!" but, your new "I Don't Need All This Crap Self" will throw another half of it away! Wooo hooo don't you feel better? Now this is the time I would say to myself, "Self, I Got rid of all this crap now I have room for new crap woo hoo!" This would be a negative people. I repeat a negative. Don't do it for the sake of your Husband's sanity I repeat don't do it!
To be cont.....