Thursday, June 9, 2011

True Confessions

It has been a long time and I have been meaning to document my works on frugality. However; I fell off the boat with that. Why you may ask? Changes! My husband was promoted and POOF off we go up north now to live. Which is great for him I'm very proud of him really I am but, I am sad very sad and that is how I fell off the boat of frugality and began drowning. I would go to a store and not need a single thing and come out the store with just about anything and everything including the hanger it came on. I was having a really hard time coping with the fact that we are picking up and moving again. Starting all over again. Calling another home our home again. I love my house here and I know it sounds so cliche but I love my house here dang it. I love my garden that my husband built me and my pond that he made just to make me happy, and the playground that he had built for our beautiful children. I don't like to move around but I do it because I love him and that's what is necessary for this moment. However, it is still hard to adapt to change when you are a person that doesn't deal with change well. I used spending money as a way to cope with what I didn't want to deal with in regards to this move and as I sit here typing this to you right now I feel overwhelmed with the massive amount of crap in this house. Massive, massive, massive, and blahhhhh. I made my bed and now I have to lay in it I suppose right. 1 1/2 weeks to go before the big move and all I can do is look around at the massive amounts of unnecessary crap I have. I spend every night not packing but sitting up in bed wondering how I am emotionally going to make it through this move with out a break down. This move is horrific to me. I know no one and all though I know I will sooner or later it is still horrifying sooooooo with that being said wah wah wah whoah is me. It's time for me to start donating some stuff and get my butt into gear and be a strong woman! Catch ya later!


Brittany Culley said...

You're gonna make it through this! I've gone through 2 moves now, each one had its own challenges but I'd say the transition to life here was the hardest. I had a huge group of friends and an awesome support system in place back in AZ. It took awhile to make friends here but I did and you will up there too. My closest childhood friend gave me some good advice when we were leaving for AZ - she told me I was given a chance to completely start over, I could be whoever I wanted to be there w/no past following me around. So I tried to reinvent myself, became very active in the local community and moms' group, volunteered at Aidan's preschool, finished my degree, and of course got preggers w/B. Here I've become better at home life, baking and cooking more from scratch, being crafty, learning new things. I'm also trying to re-establish my faith and find a church home. We've been able to attend counseling more often to deal w/family and personal issues. So here's what I think - each place is different and we might have several houses over our lifetimes but home is where you and your family are. And there are lessons to be learned at each stage and place in our life, just try to be open to them and not concentrate on how hard it's going to be. Once you get there and unpacked look for ways to meet other moms. Think about being the room mom in your kids' classes, volunteer when you can. Go to company family events. Sign the kids up for activities and talk it up w/the other parents there. I know you'll find your way. Oh and don't worry so much about all the extra stuff - your new house is a lot bigger, you'll need to fill it up somehow. And now you've learned that buying is an empty high, doesn't really make you happy. See, another lesson - only to be regretted if you don't take something from it. There's always Skype, facebook, and texting to keep in touch w/those far away!

Connie said...

You can do it, hon. I know I've only moved across the city, but I did it all on my own with only two other sets of "muscles" for one day. It took me several weeks, but we are completely out of the old place and now in a nice clean place! I still don't have the pictures on the wall, but the boys have adapted to this new house very well (and you know their challenges make adaption to anything harder than usual!)

Love ya, Lady! Let me know if you want....I'll give you my number for texting or calling!

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